The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Education Authority

Managing The Education Fund

Director General Note

Dr. Erasmus Kipesha

One of the TEA’s powers and functions as provided in Section 6 (d), (e) and (f) of TEA’s Act is to promote education and training according to needs within the framework of overall national socio-economic development plans and policies.  As such, since its establishment in 2001, the Fund has been acting as a pool into which resources collected from Government allocations, voluntary contributions, and grants loans and from “Other Sources” are deposited in order to fund ‘educational development’ projects.

We aspires to be a world-class education fund responsive to national educational needs through diversified interventions for Tanzania’s sustainable education development. Indeed, since its establishment, the Authority has performed its core functions and activities that reflect this vision and implemented on a yearly basis as reflected in the plans and budgets for each financial year going back to 2003 at the outset of TEA.

We are proud to act as a government instrument in increasing access, equity, and quality education countrywide. We have been instrumental in infrasructural development, provision of Teaching and Learning facilities, Laboratory equipment, provision of desks, funding curriculum development, facilitating school inspections, facilitating teachers' training, and catering for special needs in education institutions, to name just a few. All these could not have been achieved without strong support form the Government, and our commited partners. 

TEA also partners with public and private institutions in mobilizing resources needed to finaince education projects  and programs countrywide. our commited parteners have been instrumental in many ways in improving quality, equity and access of education. As we move ahead we  call for more private and public organizations to partner with us in financing education development. 

Based on the fact that education needs are vast, wide and diverse, making government allocations and subventions unsatisfactory; we therefore believe in, and call for strong but coordinated public participation in contributing to education developmet. One of the sure way of realising stonger public participation in contributing to education development from the grassroots is the formation of strong and robust private and public partnerships in supporting education projects and programs.

We are  commited to spearhead in the ongoing government efforts to achieve Development Vision 2025 in ensuring a well educated and learning society, and in realising Sustanable Development Goal no.4 in Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting life-long learning opportunities for all. 

As a Public Organization, TEA is committed to faithfully and diligently serve our mandate   and we invite you all to come along with us. On behalf of the Board, Management and staff of Tanzania Education Authority, I welcome you to TEA. 

Thank you.