The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Education Authority

Managing The Education Fund

Frequest Asked Questions


Here you can find answers of general questions about Tanzania Education Authority (TEA).  For further inquiries, email info@ tea.

  1. Who we are?

Tanzania Education Authority (TEA) was established under section 5 (1) of the Education Fund Act No.8 of 2001 to manage the Education Fund. The Fund was established under the same Act with the intention of supplementing the Government’s efforts in financing education development in all levels of education in Tanzania Mainland, and financing tertiary levels of education to Tanzania Zanzibar. The monies deposited in the Fund are used to improve Access, Equity and Quality of education in accordance with provisions of the enabling Act.


  1. What we do?

In accordance with provisions of the Act for establishment of the Authority,  TEA is responsible for mobilizing material and financial resources from different stakeholders, in order to supplement Government’s efforts in financing education development in Tanzania. On day to day basis, TEA undertakes the following:

  • TEA secures adequate and stable financing for the Education Fund by mobilizing material and financial resources from Public and Private Organizations, Non-Government Organizations, Local and Foreign organizations, Corporations and philanthropists.
  • TEA applies the monies deposited into the Fund for purposes of improvement and promotion of education. We do this by assessing applications for support and allocating resources to projects that meet set criteria. We also intervene in areas that need urgent intervention for educational support.
  • TEA also monitors the use of funds disbursed in order to ensure adherence to the objectives of the Fund. All projects supported through the Education Fund are thoroughly monitored during the whole specified period of implementation.
  • We receive gifts, donations, grants or other moneys on behalf of the Fund.


  1. How the fund supports education projects?

Based on its mandate, TEA works in all 184 councils in Tanzania Mainland, and has a mandate to support all tertiary institutions in Tanzania Zanzibar. TEA can also partner with other institutions to support any project within its mandate in Tanzania Mainland as well as in Tanzania Zanzibar.


  1.  Your Areas of Intervention?

To ensure effectiveness and impact of the Education Fund, the Authority focuses on a number of identified priority areas of support that are geared towards achieving improved quality, increased access and equity of education at all levels. The areas of support are always in-line with the National Education Sector Development plans, including but not be limited to:

  • Provision of teaching and learning materials and equipment, including but not limited to: Information Communication Technology (ICT) facilities, purchase of teaching and learning materials, purchase of laboratory equipment, purchase of furniture and fittings, and workshop equipment.
  • Trainings on specialized skills, including capacity building for academic staff, skills development in priority skills-sets and sectors, innovative training, internship and apprenticeship activities.
  • Curriculum development and review.
  • Application and exploitation of Information and Communication Technology.
  • Quality assurance and management.
  • Support to disadvantaged groups such as disabled, orphans etc, including support to students with special needs to equitably access education and skills development opportunities.
  • Support to female students by provision of conducive teaching and learning environment.
  • Support promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
  •  Construction, re-modeling and renovation of infrastructure including: construction of classrooms, pit latrines, dormitories, laboratories, dining halls with kitchens, library, teachers’ houses administration blocks, electricity power connectivity, clean water, sanitation and hygiene
  • The Authority also ensures that at least 50% of its allocation is directed towards support of education projects for basic education level. The Authority reviews its areas of support after every two years or as need arise and as approved by the TEA Board.


  1. Who can contribute to the Education Fund?

 Opportunities to support the Education Fund are open to individuals, private and public organization from within the country and abroad. The support may be donated in form of money, materials or services to the Education Fund, or to Fund assisted project in any areas of preference. In addition to financing projects, a contributor can be anybody who avails sponsorship or grants to students other than his own or his own family members or his employer, for purposes of enabling them to purse education at secondary or tertiary levels. This should be done in coordination with Tanzania Education Authority.

  1. Get Involved

We believe that we can work better and achieve greater impact when we coordinate our efforts with partners. Based on the enrollment rate, education development in Tanzania requires a comprehensive and coherent approach that draws on the contributions from different partners. For this reason, TEA aspires to work with national and international organizations, corporations, foundations, Non - Government Organizations and philanthropists at local and global levels.

  1. What can be accepted as a donation?

The Education Fund receives both, material and financial resources. However, Monetary Contributions are accepted through Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG). In kind contributions (i.e goods, assets or services) are directly received by TEA, or directly delivered to education projects through arrangements done by TEA.



  1.  How donors/ contributors are recognized?

Every contributor to the Education Fund shall be entitled to be awarded a Certificate of Educational Appreciation (CEA) or a Letter of Education Appreciation (LEA) to certify and appreciate their contributions. CEA differs in color depending on the value of contribution received as follow;

  • (Tshs. 100,000 - 999,999) - Metallic Blue
  • (Tshs. 1,000,000 - 9,999,999) - Metallic Silver
  • (Tshs. 10,000,000 - 99,999,999) - Metallic Red
  • (Tshs. 100,000,000 - above) - Metallic Gold


  1. What are Incentives for contributors?

Taxpayers may opt to use the awarded Certificate of Educational Appreciation (CEA) to apply for Tax Relief to the Commissioner General of Tanzania Revenue Authority in in request of tax relief.  All awardees of the Certificates of Educational Appreciation entitled to apply for Tax Relief may apply for Income Tax Relief by submitting the Signed Certificate of Educational Appreciation to the respective Tanzania Revenue Authority Office.  The certificate is validy for six years from the provision date and it shall be only used once.


  1. Registration of Contributors

 Every contributor is registered in the Education Fund contributors’ register for permanent record as a contributor. The list of contributors is updated periodically, specifically after each Awarding Ceremony which is conducted at least once a year