United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Education Authority

Managing The Education Fund

About TEA

Tanzania Education Authority

Tanzania Education Authority (TEA) was established under section 5 (1) of the Education Fund Act No.8 of 2001 to manage the Education Fund. The Fund was established under the same Act with the intention of supplementing the Government’s efforts in financing education development in all levels of education in Tanzania Mainland, and financing tertiary levels of education to Tanzania Zanzibar.

Based on section 4 (3) of the Education Fund Act, the monies deposited in the Fund are used to improve Access, Equity and Quality of education in accordance with provisions of the enabling Act.

Tanzania has been facing significant challenges with regard to provision of equitable quality education to all for decades. One of the major challenges has (persistently) been the means to collect sufficient resources for improvement of quality, equity and access to Education. In early 2000s, the Government had, among other programmes and strategies, established the Education Fund (Managed by Tanzania Education Authority -TEA) for the aim of exploring sustainable sources of revenue for improvement of Access, Equity and Quality of education countrywide.

The Education Fund
Since its establishment in 2001, the Fund has been acting as a pool into which resources collected from Government allocations, voluntary contributions, and grants loans and from “Other Sources” are deposited in order to fund projects geared towards education development to all levels.

The monies collected are used to facilitate improvement of quality in education provision, increasing access and promoting equity in education provision at all levels. The same is done through: (i) Diversifying the sources of funds for education and (ii) Providing funding for educational development programmes or projects identified and conceived at pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

Our Vision

TEA aspires to be a world-class Education Fund responsive to national educational needs through diversified interventions for Tanzania’s sustainable education development.

Our Mission

To sustainably secure resources for the Education Fund and deploy these resources to support educational projects and/or programs for improved access, equity, quality of education and skills.

Core Values

TEA is committed to exercising team spirit, transparency, objectivity and equitable treatment in offering prompt and quality services to its stakeholders with due integrity, courtesy and professionalism.

The following are mandated objectives of Tanzania Education Authority as stipulated by the enabling Act:

  • To provide funds to supplement the provision of education at all levels;
  • To advise the Government on new sources of revenue for the purpose of ensuring adequate and stable flow of money into the Fund;
  • To raise the quality of education and increase access and equality;
  • To promote education and training according to needs within the framework of overall national socio-economic development plans and polices;
  • To apply the money deposited into the Fund for the purposes of improvement and promotion of education;
  • To develop and make periodic review of the formula for allocation and disbursement of financial resources of the Authority to different educational levels expect that, at least fifty percent of the financial resources shall be provided to finance basic and secondary education;
  • To develop and make a periodic review of the resources allocated for facilitation of education to students with disabilities
  • To monitor the use of the funds disbursed and ensure adherence to the objectives of the Fund  other than funds allocated to HESLB, TCU and NACTE;
  • To receive gifts, donations, grants or other moneys on behalf of the Fund;
  • To sponsor and provide facilities for higher learning and to establish relationships or association with institutions both nationally and internationally;
  • To apply the monies deposited into the Fund for the purpose of giving effect to the mandate of TEA, HESLB, TCU and NACTE provided that the Authority shall consult with institutions referred to in this section in the application of the monies deposited into the Fund.

TEA Functions
Principal functions of the Authority are as follows:

  • To secure adequate and stable financing for education;
  • To raise the quality of education and increase access and equity;
  • To develop and review periodically the formula for allocation and disbursement from the Fund to different education levels; and
  • To monitor the use of the funds disbursed and ensure adherence to objectives of the Fund.