United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Education Authority

Managing The Education Fund

Contributors' Incentives

Every contributor to the Education Fund shall be entitled to the following benefits: -

(i) Recognition

Contributor to the Education Fund, shall be awarded a Certificate of Educational Appreciation (CEA) or Letter of Education Appreciation (LEA) to appreciate their philanthropy.

All contributors to the Education Fund donating more than Tshs.50,000 (for individuals or employees) or more than Tshs.100,000 ( For Corporate bodies, public and private institutions, Civil Societies and Faith based organizations) qualify for Certificate of Education Appreciation. CEA differs in color depending on the value of contribution received as follow;

Metallic Blue (Tshs.100,000 – 999,999)

Metallic Silver (Tshs.1,000,000 – 9,999,999)

Metallic Red (Tshs.10,000,000 – 99,999,999)

Metallic Gold (Tshs.100,000,000 above )

(ii) Tax relief

Contributors who are taxpayers may opt to granted tax relief.

(iii) Registration

Every contributor shall be registered in the Education Fund contributors’ register for permanent record as a contributor.

Application for Tax Relief

All awardees of the Certificates of Educational Appreciation are entitled to apply for Tax Relief may apply for Income Tax Relief by submitting the Signed Certificate of Education Appreciation to the respective Tanzania Revenue Authority Office.