To ensure effectiveness and impact of the Education Fund, the Authority focuses on a number of identified priority areas of support that are geared towards achieving improved quality, increased access and equity of education at all levels. The areas of support are always in-line with the National Education Sector Development plans, including but not be limited to :
- Information Communication Technology (ICT) facilities, purchase of teaching and learning materials, purchase of laboratory equipment, purchase of furniture and fittings, and workshop;
- equipment.
- Trainings on specialized skills, including capacity building for academic staff, skills development in priority skills-sets and sectors, innovative training, internship and apprenticeship activities;
- Curriculum development and review;
- Application and exploitation of Information and Communication Technology;
- Quality assurance and management;
- Support to disadvantaged groups such as disabled, orphans etc, including support to students with special needs to equitably access education and skills development opportunities.
- Support to female students by provision of conducive teaching and learning environment such as:(i) Construction, expansion, and re-modeling of buildings including dormitories/hostels. (ii) Provision of teaching and learning materials and facilities. (iii) Support capacity building programs in science related fields.
- Support promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
- Construction, re-modeling and renovation of infrastructure including: construction of classrooms, pit latrines, dormitories, laboratories, dining halls with kitchens, library, teachers’ houses administration blocks, electricity power connectivity, clean water, sanitation and hygiene.
- The Authority also ensures that at least 50% of its allocation is directed towards support of education projects for basic education level.
- The Authority reviews its areas of support after every two years or as need arise and as approved by the TEA Board.