The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Education Authority

Managing The Education Fund

Who Can Contribute

A contributor as provided in section 12 (1) (a) and (b) of the Education Fund Act, No. 8 of 2001 is any person who makes a donation in form of money, goods and/or services to the Education Fund or a Fund Assisted Project. Either a contributor can also be anybody who avails sponsorship or grants to students other than his own or his own family members or his employer, for purposes of enabling them to purse education at secondary or tertiary levels. 

Contributors of Education Fund can be Individuals, Corporate bodies, public and private Institutions, Civil societies and Faith Based Organizations

Make your pledge by downloading a pledge form from this website

Directly supporting a Fund Assisted Project by providing cash, material, technical expertise or labour

Make your donation commitments via TEA contacts i.e phone or emails, and then will act upon it.

What can be accepted as a donation.

Monetary Contributions through Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG).

In kind contribution (i.e goods, assets or services).

Directly Support Project
Directly support an education project by calling TEA +255222781165

Cash Donations
Under current arrangements, TEA does not accept Cash Donations at TEA offices, except through a centralized Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG).

Donate through Account
Contact TEA offices to suppord education projects Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG).

Pledge to donate

Via e-mail: < >

Via Phone: +255222781165